Sunday, February 11, 2007

creamy, salty, cream, mmmmm...

yesterday was a rad day(towards the middle of the afternoon) me and nick took the metro downtown to meet up with griffin, malcolm, and nicky. we got there and they were tired as fook but i still got a bunch of good stuff in before malcolm went home. and then last night we took a look at this long ass 11 rail at laurel ridge, hammers for royal flush, word. heres some throwaway ive gotten in the past weekends (malcolm chill, you have all my good footy)

1 comment:

meow said...

haha its fine if you use your footy matt! you dont have to ask me, its yours. I just like to keep it a secret so when it is realeased, its even better. and that shud said laurel ride hammers for Yuhhh, and maybe that other side project your working on.